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final process中文是什么意思

用"final process"造句"final process"怎么读"final process" in a sentence


  • 最后程序
  • 最后诉讼阶段


  • The final process in organic matter decomposition is known as humification .
  • ( 4 ) provide the final process data to next working procedure
  • This final process ensures that no consecutive ones are present before storage
    这样的处理就确保了在存储之前数据流中不会出现连续的“ 1 ” 。
  • When the results of these sub - tasks are available , they can be returned to one of the processors for final processing
  • When the compensation of a process succeeds , the final process state is compensated " process compensated " event , 42004
    当流程的补偿操作成功完成时,流程的最后状态是已补偿( compensated ) ( “流程已补偿”事件, 42004 ) 。
  • Cocaine once moved fairly simply , from its raw material sources in peru and bolivia , through final processing and trafficking centers in colombia , and onward to the united states
  • Factory manager himself bears the responsibility for the final process of the quality inspection , while the vice - manager of production department takes the responsibility for the after - sale services
  • Cocaine once moved fairly simply , from its raw material sources in peru and bolivia , through final processing and trafficking centers in colombia , and onward to the united states . this is no longer the case : cocaine is moving today in far more ways , on far more routes
  • In some application fields of discourse processing , such as automatic summarization , information retrieval , and information extraction etc . , the final processing result is usually generated by directly extracting some important sentences from text or document , in which some pronouns could be contained without their antecedents
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